Category Imaginal

Hello Friends in Quarantine Land

   After talking with Pamela over the weekend, I thought it was worth registering a reaction I’ve had, as my two-person-four-cat household worked to grasp the new hygiene and limited grocery access that suddenly defined our lives.  Because we are…

The Midnight Encounter of Aatish Taseer

                Aatish Taseer is a gifted travel writer.  My encounter with his work came in the form of a May 15, 2019 article in the New York Times Magazine, entitled “In Search of Ancient Morocco”.  The article is an evocative…

Staying with the AWE

I had no idea Marina would be doing a post on Deep Space and Awe, so this is an aha moment of synchronicity.   Scientists created this photo by taking a considerable risk of discovering nothing, yet they persevered into…

Encountering Other is Intimate

This video is from Natasha Meyers, from her website Natasha is our scout out ahead teaching all of us how to be in an encounter with our ecologies that surround us. In the later half of the video, Natasha…