Pamela Holmes
Pamela Holmes is an artist living in Sonoma County, California. Pamela read James Hillman when she was 21, and his discussion on the imaginal electrified her and set the trajectory for her life. She decided her life journey would be an exploration of the unknown and fighting for a non-interpretive approach to life and imagination. Pamela has an M.F.A. from Otis Parsons in Los Angeles, CA. Pamela and Patrick Gourley have a website at strangerworth.com, where we show our collaborative paintings. Pamela has studied with Robert Bosnak since 2012 and has a certification in Embodied Imagination.

Patrick Gourley
Patrick Gourley has been a painter since high school. He graduated from Emily Carr College of Art in Vancouver, Canada. For the last 45 years Patrick has exhibited paintings internationally and is included in many public and private collections. Most recently he and Pamela Holmes have embarked on a collaboration, which focuses on shared imagination.
Deborah de Fauconberg
Deborah is a Jungian psychoanalyst (IAAP) and organizational consultant. Her interest is in helping people to access and express aspects of their lives that lie outside of everyday consciousness. Drawing on her own experience and years of clinical work, she has found that non-verbal communication with the unconscious using art materials enables people to dialogue with and integrate emerging images into their lives. Deborah enjoys using photography to capture images that evoke universal archetypal responses. In recent years, she has also been increasingly exploring other art mediums, engaging the emotions felt in the body to express emerging phenomena.