Fire and Ash

Die to old ways Sacrifice What was once life Smolders to nothingness Even in ashA flash of vibrance  Signals the inevitable  New growth The design of Life Flame and wings, one.  “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the…

Imaginal Weave

A severe restriction of passion, brooding, slow restraint. Smoldering heat, incubating the egg…one seeks cooling of watery mist. Awakening with slow heat in the crucible of life. Embers glow to the yoke and dissipate in my brain. Dancing in destruction, flowing…

Resonance with Red

Our art group meetings have recently been focused on color…One of the recent “invitations” for contemplation, prior to working, was to try to sense a color that “speaks” to us, in some way, that stands out for us, calls to…