Hello Friends in Quarantine Land

   After talking with Pamela over the weekend, I thought it was worth registering a reaction I’ve had, as my two-person-four-cat household worked to grasp the new hygiene and limited grocery access that suddenly defined our lives.  Because we are…

Dreams and Dying

This article is written by Katherine Lawson, her website is dreamsheal.com. Katherine is trained in Embodied Imagination dreamwork in additon to her M.A. in Counseling Psychotherapy. This paper deeply moved me even though written for an academic purpose. I had…

Dream Technology

Jennifer Dumpert’s website is urbandreamscape.com KellyBulkeley.org Sleep and Dream Databases a companion website of Kelly’s JayMutsafi.com Lucid Dreaming All three of these people are worth exploring if you are interested in taking your dreams into a broader range of experience.