Imaginal Weave

A severe restriction of passion, brooding, slow restraint. Smoldering heat, incubating the egg…one seeks cooling of watery mist. Awakening with slow heat in the crucible of life. Embers glow to the yoke and dissipate in my brain. Dancing in destruction, flowing towards the end, what is left takes flight. Soil embers heated by sun rays bring life affirming abundance and joy! Presence sustains the fire, gratitude takes shape. 

Another year, another gift given freely.

A severe restriction of passion,  brooding, slow restraint.

Dancing in destruction, flowing towards the end, what is left takes flight

Smoldering heat, incubating the egg… one seeks cooling of watery mist.

Embers glow to the yoke and dissipate in my brain

Presence sustains the fire, gratitude takes shape.

Soil embers heated by  sun rays bring life affirming abundance and joy!
Awakening with slow heat in the crucible of life: Another year, another gift given freely.

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