Yorro Yorro

Here’s from Yorro Yorro Everything Standing Up Alive. page 53 by David Mowaljarlai and Jutta Malnic Elder Mowaljarlai quote “You have a feeling in your heart that you’re going to feed your body this day, get more knowledge. You go out…
Here’s from Yorro Yorro Everything Standing Up Alive. page 53 by David Mowaljarlai and Jutta Malnic Elder Mowaljarlai quote “You have a feeling in your heart that you’re going to feed your body this day, get more knowledge. You go out…
“If Alchemy is the art of fire, and Alchemists are “artists of fire,” then the alchemist must be able to know all kinds of fire, all degrees of fuel, sources of fire, fuels of fire. And the alchemist must be…
The image has its own existence. It affects us and we affect it. Each image has a unique voice, that is ever-changing as we are. Below is the image speaking. The white zone wants to suck in the landmass, wants…
Do the colors of everything we have encountered make up the colors of ourselves?
I am certain of nothing but the heart’s affection and the truth of the imagination John Keats The image is a lens how you see the world. Art is a perspective.
Things will tell you who they are, if you listen, surrender to them like a lover. Henry Corbin
Imagination is air. Plotinus ” These bodies of air are our psychic images.” James Hillman
Henry Corbin believed that the images are alive with presence, and we perceive them with our creative imagination. In this process, we are becoming disciples of the imagination. The images do not depend on us but wish to be in…
The imaginal is a confluence between two different realities. Let us feel into this image above. Relax into your body, and you have never been here before. As you gaze, sense with your body, what draws your attention? Stay in…
When we imagine, our primary mode of being is listening. We listen, therefore we are. We hear and, we let what we hear work through us for the sake of the voice. We bring realization to the imagined. We live…
I am posting this article in hopes that we can engage in a dialogue. There is an easy way to use the Disqus form below. Please join us in conversation. The Metaphor of Alchemy and the Alchemy of Metaphor: Working…