Pamela Holmes

Pamela Holmes

Dreams and Dying

This article is written by Katherine Lawson, her website is Katherine is trained in Embodied Imagination dreamwork in additon to her M.A. in Counseling Psychotherapy. This paper deeply moved me even though written for an academic purpose. I had…

Dream Technology

Jennifer Dumpert’s website is Sleep and Dream Databases a companion website of Kelly’s Lucid Dreaming All three of these people are worth exploring if you are interested in taking your dreams into a broader range of experience.

Reality Tunnels

We all live in our reality tunnels. Michael Pollan suggests that if we were to enter the brain of another human being, we would think we were experiencing a psychedelic trip. Reality tunnels is a term that Timothy Leary coined,…

Staying with the AWE

I had no idea Marina would be doing a post on Deep Space and Awe, so this is an aha moment of synchronicity.   Scientists created this photo by taking a considerable risk of discovering nothing, yet they persevered into…


Noga Arikha is a historian of ideas and philosopher, the author of essays on mind, body, science and medicine, and of Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours (2007). She currently lives in Paris and is affiliated with Institut Jean…

Encountering Other is Intimate

This video is from Natasha Meyers, from her website Natasha is our scout out ahead teaching all of us how to be in an encounter with our ecologies that surround us. In the later half of the video, Natasha…