From G.K

The mark-making classes have provided pleasure and growth for me in several domains. It was a joy to be exposed to art materials and to have a time and space for making marks, a form of play that has rarely been part of my adult life.  I enjoyed the exploration of being non-representational in my marks and learning to be moved by images, emotions, or body states, rather than a performative focus on the work being appealing to another eye. As my work with mark-making has deepened, I appreciate how making marks provides a non-verbal way to connect to inner states and the imaginal.  Also, it has been very satisfying and fun to connect with others who are drawn to this exploration.

   From S.P. 

For me, the experience of the mark making group was one of discovery, joy, and liberation.  Step by step, I was guided to my hidden spring of creativity. to the interior source of the imaginal realm.  The prompts offered by the facilitator, Kat Taylor, included deep and provocatively playful questions which all led in that same direction, to more freedom, more joy.  The materials we used- lush charcoal, swooshes of ink, explosions of color pigments-allowed for uninhibited exploration. I think I can say for everyone that we danced with marks on the page.   Now that I know the path, it’s there for me.  It has been a remarkable experience that has changed me and will stay with me. I am grateful to everyone in the mark making group and to Pamela and Kat.  What delight to be on the page, and in the imaginal realm together!

All the images that appear on this website are the work of participants in our classes.

We are occasionally asked why the works remain anonymous, and our response is twofold.

For one: the majority of our class participants do not regard themselves as artists—indeed, many believe that they “can’t draw” and are seeking to re-establish contact with art materials.  Showing their work anonymously on the website frees them from self-consciousness, and lets us all benefit from seeing their work on the screen!

The second reason relates to our respect for the image as a presence deserving full attention.  Underlying the work of the entire website is this core experience: one way that Deep Imagination arrives into the human realm is via the image.  The artist is simply the creature who has greeted the image and ushered it into the world at this time.  By removing the autobiography of the artist from the image, we free the image simply to shimmer before us, sharing its presence.

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