Reality Tunnels

We all live in our reality tunnels. Michael Pollan suggests that if we were to enter the brain of another human being, we would think we were experiencing a psychedelic trip. Reality tunnels is a term that Timothy Leary coined,…
We all live in our reality tunnels. Michael Pollan suggests that if we were to enter the brain of another human being, we would think we were experiencing a psychedelic trip. Reality tunnels is a term that Timothy Leary coined,…
How often do we actually take the time to enter a painting and experience what the image is? Engaging with an image involves observing the image, slowing your perception of the image down, and allowing yourself to be overtaken by…
Noga Arikha is a historian of ideas and philosopher, the author of essays on mind, body, science and medicine, and of Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours (2007). She currently lives in Paris and is affiliated with Institut Jean…
This video is from Natasha Meyers, from her website Natasha is our scout out ahead teaching all of us how to be in an encounter with our ecologies that surround us. In the later half of the video, Natasha…
The link above is an article written by Gregory Shaw, this gives the history of the ideas that informed Robert Bosnak’s development of Embodied Imagination. This article will give you an overall sense of how we encounter the imaginal in…
I urge you all to read this book. Martin Shaw is educating us about our daimons, which he calls our wild twin. Martin explores what happens when we ignore our twin, and how when we do pay attention and honor…
“Deep phenomenology allows us to identify the conditioned aspects of memory, thought, and mind, and enables us to dis-identify from all the symbolic representations of reality stored in our heads. This process of clearing out the structural artifacts of the…
I feel like I have become more aware of my surroundings. I’m noticing things in a different way meaning everything I look at whether it’s shapes, forms, colors, nature, objects, light they have taken on a new definition and a…
Black oval frame….painted, very smooth and convex, inviting touch…appears as a frame but is in fact a slice of another reality: a zone that is very slow, that goes far back in time…the zone is complete physicality, without definition, a…
This excerpt is from Timothy Morton’s new book All Art is Ecological Penguin press I highly recommend buying this book, it is a brilliant read for artists. Things in themselves are ungrasapable,totally, and completely-irreducibily as they say. Things can’t be…
These pictures are from a walk I took down the road. As I walked I opened myself to the liminal world that is always right in front of us but most of the time we are lost in our thoughts…
It’s not that you attain the goal, but that all the light in the universe, falling toward you forever, finally arrives in your body. Excerpt from Another Cup, Savor Eternity One Moment at a Time Alfred K. Lamotte