Category History of Imagination

Resonance with Red

Our art group meetings have recently been focused on color…One of the recent “invitations” for contemplation, prior to working, was to try to sense a color that “speaks” to us, in some way, that stands out for us, calls to…

Approaching the Imaginal World

by writer, psychologist, and mythologist Dr. Sharon Blackie from her newsletter This Mythic Life image by Gina Litherland The imaginal world, the Otherworld. The mundus imaginalis, or mundus archetypalis. There are so many words and phrases to describe it, that place where the others live. The…

Meeting Robert Bosnak

About five years ago, a therapist who knew of my great interest in dreams told me of a speaker, who was coming to the CGJung Society of Seattle meeting, whom she thought I’d find interesting.  His name was Robert Bosnak,…

What is the imaginal?

And what on earth is the process of RESONATING with the IMAGINAL? And: why is this whole thing meaningful enough for anybody to write about it? We hope, through this website, and through our various blog entries, interviews, and shared…

Resist and Allow

I started noticing RESIST bumper stickers on so many cars. I took notice and looked them up. A very important organization supporting justice and liberation. This got me thinking about the word resist and the paradox it carries. I spend…